Important Message Regarding Chrome OS v119 and v120

Test Administration Update 2/27/24
February 27, 2024
Test Administration Update 3/5/24
March 5, 2024

While performing compatibility testing of Chrome OS v119 and v120 stable versions, it was discovered that the default Spanish voice heard in the Chrome App has changed. The Spanish voice is now a robotic male-like voice instead of the previous Google female voice. This robotic male voice is hard to understand. The English TTS voice has not changed. Due to this issue, we strongly suggest that students who require a Spanish text-to-speech accommodation and are testing on a Chrome OS device use devices that are on Chrome Stable Channel 121 or 122. (Note that we will be sharing the final Technology Guide on March 6th that will have the new supported Chrome OS v 120, 121 and 122. The current Technology Guide shows Chrome OS v 116, 117, and 118 as supported versions.)

We encourage sharing this information with your technology coordinators to help them prepare for the upcoming administration windows.